
الخميس، 27 أغسطس 2015

10 ways to profit from the Internet

Every company desires to maximize the net of things (IoT) in its huge information strategy—but what is the best thanks to act it? Here area unit ten steps to incorporate in your IoT enablement plans.
1: Educate

Company call manufacturers hear the plug regarding IoT, however many do not perceive however it will create a sensible distinction within the business. defrayal some direct time acquainting these people with actual IoT use cases—and however they need paid off for others—can go way once it involves obtaining buyoff for AN IoT budget.
2: Strategize

Because corporations area unit distinctive in their wants, AN IoT project that works for one organization won't work for one more. Before you proceed with any IoT pilot or project proposal, strategize with the key call manufacturers throughout the corporate UN agency will become your IoT champions. This helps guarantee user buy-in to the project. It conjointly identifies the IoT comes that business leaders feel can deliver highest price to the corporate.
3: opt for the low-hanging fruit

The new technologies you introduce would like fast and extremely visible successes. If your company IoT ways align with IoT comes that have already got a well-tried account in different companies—and that area unit comparatively simple to implement and yield results—focus on those comes 1st. Also, any IoT project {that can|which can|that may} demonstrate nice "before and after" metrics in a very company space of would like will go a protracted means toward giving birth the groundwork for brand new IoT comes.
4: Clean your information

One of the catches with IoT information that's generated by machines or delivered over the net is that you simply get everything, together with plenty of junk you do not would like. This bogs down system resources and clogs networks. AN IoT project ought to determine the IoT information you wish, and it ought to verify the IoT information you wish to discard. {a information|a knowledge|an information} cleanup method within which you distill the IoT data is that the next step. you'll be able to do that information cleanup yourself or it to a seller.
5: deem your customers

Some of the simplest IoT comes target what customers would love to visualize. a good example is municipal tram systems that currently use IoT sensors to predict system instrumentation and track failures thus repair crews will proactively fix them before they stop traffic. These IoT systems even participate in causing messages to the mobile phones of shoppers once there's a fault within the systems, advising customers of alternate routes to their destinations.
6: always remember failover

For systems that depend on a gentle stream of IoT information, there'll forever be the threat of a machine or web failure that causes information flows to prevent. If {you're|you area unit} exploitation automatic workflows that are driven by IoT information, it's particularly necessary to style failover systems which will transfer management of those workflows to a manual mode if you expertise IoT disruption.
7: Strengthen security

If you're exploitation raw IoT information from the net, there area unit elevated security risks for malware, viruses, and different hurtful security threats that are available in with the info. Any company considering AN internet-driven IoT information feed ought to return its security measures for each native and wide space networks.
8: Work your IoT and system of record mixtures

The best thanks to maximize the employment of IoT info is to team it with information from your internal systems of record. as an example, if you are gathering IoT information regarding your customers' behavior on your web site, you'll be able to mix this information with client keys and knowledge that exist already in your systems of record, like wherever the client lives and different key demographics that area unit hold on in a very client record. this permits you to make a a lot of complete image of every client and his/her shopping for habits and preferences.
9: Set baselines and metrics... and opt for results

Strive to try to to IoT comes which will be measured against past company performance baselines within the space that the project focuses on. during this means, you'll be able to simply demonstrate the results of the IoT, whether or not in improved revenues, higher client service, quicker complete times in your internal operations, value savings, or one thing else.
10: outline your next-gen IoT applications

As you determine a sure-fire account along with your IoT comes, begin pondering however you're getting to devolve on these comes with a lot of IoT applications. Organizing a bunch of key business call manufacturers UN agency participate in strategizing could be a good way to stay your IoT initiatives moving forward

Do you want to make money? ideas


How to make profit on the internet – A Simple and real experience
Everyone in the world wishes to do fancy activity such as spending summer in Hawaii, living in fancy house, eat in high-class restaurant, and so on. However, the only problem we will face is MONEY, where would we get these money do such things where our salary less than 1000$ a month! It doesn’t even enough to cover our personal expenses. Then we must find another source of money than our boring routine work. Have you ever considered working online?
Internet is flooded with articles talking about making profit, and you might been there my friend and you get nothing except drowning in that sea of fantasy profit. So is making profit online just a lie? Is it just a dream that never come true? If it is not, then how much do we get? A couple of dollars to buy a pack of cigarettes or would I be a millionaire? Well, I will tell you, it is real, and there is many people became millionaires! Do not be surprised, I can prove it, here is some examples of people who have achieved impressive success and made a great profit:
  • Tony Hsieh, the founder of the online shoe and clothing shop Zappos.
  • Pankaj Agarwal, the founder of Pankaj Agarwal website
  • Jeremy Schoemaker, the founder of NextPimp.com and ShoeMoney Media
  • Amit Agarwal, the founder of labnol website (Digital Inspiration)
  • Perez Hilton, the founder of perezhilton website (Hollywood's Hottest Celebrity Gossip website)
  • Michael Arrington, the founder and former co-editor of TechCrunch
  • Markus Frind, and the founder of PlentyofFish, the world's biggest dating website
  • Shawn Hogan, the founder and chief executive officer of Digital Point Solutions
  • Kevin Rose, the founded Revision3, Digg, Pownce, and Milk
  • Courtney rose, the founder of EHow website.
There is more and more of successful people, but who mentioned above have a secret behind their success, are you excited to know it? Well, I will tell you, it is actually two things; the idea of their websites; and how much do people need these websites. If you have a great special idea, I can assure you one hundred percent there is nothing will hold you back in the road of success of your website.
Talking about website, it is easy to create one, for example if your idea related to videos; you can create your own channel on YouTube. Alternatively, you can make profit by Hubpages, Blogger, or WordPress. There is several ways to make your website makes profit such as AdSense and profit sharing. However, the most successful way is having your own website, and that will not cost you so much.
Why should we work online and creating our own business?
I’ll tell you why. As we said our salary is 1000$, subtract rent, food, clothes, school tuition, car gas, and other basics things, will remain a -1000$! Let’s suppose will remain 100$, which mean about 1000$ a year, it’s not enough to do ant entertaining activity. Do we be born to suffer? We have to change this life by making a business, but any business in the world requires capital, and we are broke, then how can we start our business without capital? There is only one way to do that, which is online work, you can start from ZERO, as examples mentioned above.
Do you have ideas yet? Do not waste your time searching for easy money because what come fast go fast. I will share with you my idea that I used it in my own website to make some money, and I am proud of it and its success among all the country that I live.
I won’t attach links, and you won’t need much money! The idea is about designing a website by yourself, it’s easy to design a website, all you have to do is searching online for tutorials or search for “FrontPage”; which is the a website administration tool from Microsoft I used it by myself to design mine. I will share with you my personal experience in making money from a website that been applied in Saudi Arabia.
The site idea is gathering phone contacts of drivers in different cities, I’m not talking about official taxi drivers; they’re already have their websites and contacts. I’m talking about general drivers who work to increase their income, we can find a lot of these people in Arab countries especially in Saudi Arabia.


I will attach images of site and its idea in picture 1, there are main categories of places (states), each state has table as shown in picture 2, and the table has categories, which are; driver name; the city within the state; phone number; car type and model; notes. In addition, there’s an icon labeled “Add new driver” as shown in picture 3, where the driver can add his name. After clicking at that icon a page will appear, it contains terms of use which is filling information form and transferring 100 SR (26.6 USD) to website account and sending a message from driver’s cellphone as a confirmation. Every new driver’s name is added above all drivers, and keep going down when other new drivers register. If the driver wants to fix his name above other drivers, he has to pay 300 SR (80 USD) monthly, or register his name once again not to lose his order.
The site has many visitors from Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, you can apply Google AdSense to increase your profit. This site may work in your country or may not! I don’t know each country conditions. Finally, it’s a great idea I benefited from, either would you.

View Site

الاثنين، 17 أغسطس 2015

افضل جهاز لكشف الذهب و المعادن

 من منا لا يحب الذهب ؟
ومن منا لا يطمح في أن يكون غنيا ؟
قد تكون في بداية الأمر هواية استكشافية للبحث عن الدفائن في باطن الأرض
ولكن ربما يعترضك في طريقك كنزك المنشود وتصبح من الأغنياء
جميع البلدان في القرون الغابرة كانو يكنزون الذهب وبعضهم يموت دونه
لا زالت الارض غنية بكنوزها
سنورد لك افضل اجهزة كشف المعادن والذهب ومواصفات كل جهاز ويبقى الاختيار راجع لك بحسب ميزانيتك

تستخدم أجهزة الكشف عن الذهب و التي غالبا ما تستخدم أيضا للكشف عن أنواع أخرى من المعادن بصورة كبيرة للتنقيب عن الذهب في باطن الأرض ، و تحقق فائدة كبيرة في ذلك من خلال حساسيتها العالية في البحث ، و تختلف أنواع الأجهزة المتاحة في الأسواق ، و في مقالنا اليوم ستجد عزيزي القارئ أفضل أنواع أجهزة الكشف عن الذهب و التي تساعدك في الإختيار .
افضل جهاز لكشف الذهب :
1-جهاز جي بي إكس gpx 5000 : و يقوم الجهاز بالكشف على كل القطع من الصغيرة حتى الكبيرة للغاية بكل دقة ، و يستخدم الجهاز على كافة أنواع التضاريس الأرضية ، و يوجد بالجهاز 8 أوضاع للبحث بخصائص جديدة عن الإصدارات السابقة للكشف عن الآثار و الذهب النقي و الخلائط و سبائك الذهب ، و الجهاز يناسب المبتدئين و المتقدمين ، و يقوم الجهاز بإصدار صوت واضح في حالة وجود الهدف ، و الجهاز له حساسية عالية للكشف عن الذهب الخالص ، كما يقوم الجهاز بالكشف عن الذهب في المناطق المالحة و توجد به إمكانية زيادة العمق ، و توجد بالجهاز خاصية إلغاء الكشف على الحديد و المعادن الآخرى غير الهامة لتسهيل البحث ، كما توجد بالجهاز خاصية المعايرة التلقائية للتربة ، و يوجد مع الجهاز كتالوج بعدة لغات .

2- جهاز توب ديتكتور top detector : و هو جهاز للكشف عن الذهب و المعادن الثمينة في باطن الأرض ، و يقوم تلقائيا بتمييز إسمه و حجمه و عمقه على شاشة الجهاز ، و هو جهاز أمريكي صغير الحجم ، و يعمل الجهاز بالنظام التصويري الكهرومغناطيسي ، و الجهاز لا يتأثر بإختلاف نوع التربة ، و الجهاز يعمل بلغات مختلفة .
جهاز بونتي هانتر bounty hunter gold digger metal detector : و يقوم الجهاز بالبحث عن الذهب بل و كل المعادن و كل القطع الآثرية الهامة من الحديد إلى العملات الذهبية في كل مكان تحت الأرض حتى لو على الشاطئ أو الحديقة أو الفناء ، و الجهاز به سماعة أذن للبحث في خصوصية و يصدر صوتا عند إيجاد الهدف .

3- جهاز إى آر ar g24 : و هو جهاز للكشف عن أنواع مختلفة من المعادن حيث يقوم بكشف و تمييز جميع أنواع المعادن تحت الأرض ، و يوجد بالجهاز خصائص ضبط تلقائي ، و يوجد بالجهاز أيضا مكبرات صوت مسموعة .
جهاز إكسلنت جلوبال xcellent global md-301011 : و هو جهاز قوي يساعد في البحث عن القطع النقدية و المجوهرات من الذهب و كذلك الفضة في أي مكان ، كما يوجد خاصية بالجهاز يمكن من خلالها تحديد الأشياء التي لا تريد البحث عنها ، و يوجد بالجهاز شاشة  lcd  كريستالية مع نغمة مميزة للأهداف التي يراد البحث عنه ، كما يقوم الجهاز بإظهار الأجسام على الشاشة .

4- جهاز فيشر جولد fisher gold bug metal detector : و هو جهاز للكشف عن الذهب ذو وزن خفيف و معه سماعة رأس و به شاشة  lcd  كبيرة ، و يقوم الجهاز بالبحث عن جميع أنواع المعادن من خلال نظامين للبحث بحساسية عالية للجهاز .

5- جهاز بيال pyle phmd1 : و يتميز الجهاز بحساسية عالية في البحث مع إمكانية تعديلها و تمييز عالي للمعادن ، و معه سماعة رأس ، و هو سهل الإستخدام للبحث عن الكنوز و المعادن الغالية في باطن الأرض مع تحديد نوعهم أثناء البحث ، و الجهاز به إشارات صوتية و تحكم في الصوت ، و حجم الشاشة 6,7 بوصة ، و الجهاز أيضا مقاوم للماء و به داعم لراحة اليد .
جهاز جريت garrelt : و هو جهاز جيد للبحث عن الذهب و به صوت ومؤشرات ديجيتال و يصنع الجهاز توازن للأرض .
تزورو لوبو سوبر تراج tesoro lobo supertraq : و يصنع الجهاز تتبع تلقائي لتوازن الأرض مع 3 أوضاع للتبديل مع التحكم في السرعة و هو أول جهاز مصنوع من دائرة تتبع الأرض ، مع إستجابة صوتية عند العثور على الهدف المعدني ، و يستخدم الجهاز للبحث عن كل أنواع المعادن .

6-جهاز مينلاب إيروكا جولد سيلكتابل minelab eureka gold selectable : و هو الجهاز الذي يقوم بالكشف عن الذهب و كل المجوهرات الفخمة ، و يوجد بالجهاز الإختيار بين 3 ترددات مختلفة  6,4/20/60 khz  مع سرعتين و نغمة تلقائية .

السبت، 15 أغسطس 2015

Kidney Stones Treatment patient experience



Source: Kidney Stones
Kidney Stones Treatment
I will show you my own experience with kidney stones treatment, where my friend from Jordan was suffering from this disease. Doctors decided to do nephrectomy surgery of right kidney and lithotripsy sessions. I recommended “Ammi” seeds (the Latin name : Visnaga daucoides Gaertn) for him, where a few of these seeds are put in a boiled water for five minutes, then strain, cool and drink it twice; a small cup in the morning on an empty stomach, another small cup in the evening before going to sleep. Furthermore, I recommended a diet for him, which is avoiding fats, red meats, citrus, and the whole dairy products. Moreover, not to sleep in front of the cold air conditioner, the diet should be vegetable and a few of fish. The treatment should be taking for two weeks. The taste of the drink is palatable and acceptable with a little of bitterness.
My friend felt a complete recovery and stopped taking medicine. The kidney has returned to normal and the stones shrank in his kidney where some of it get started to go out with urine normally. I am going to show you a video contains X-rays images, stones size in the left kidney, the tube that had been put by the doctor to make urinating easy, and Ammi seeds images. I speak Arabic in the video, sorry about that. Here is a link from Wikipedia about the plant and its benefits.

مشاوير – إضافة سائق جديد إلى دليل المشاوير

كل سائق جديد يريد الانضمام الى دليل السائقين في المملكة العربية السعودية
يتوجه الى إضافة سائق على الرابط التالي  إضافة سائق جديد إضغط هنا
العملية سهلة جدا
تقوم بتحويل قيمة اضافة سائق 100 ريال الى احد حسابات الموقع الموضحة في الصورة التالية
ثم تقوم بإرسال رسالة نصية او واتس اب الى جوال المسؤول 0553329251
مبينا فيها اسم صاحب الحساب المحول منه و البنك و ترسل معلوماتك
ويتم اضافتك خلال 24 ساعة
اذا اردت تمييز اسمك فوق السائقين فيجب ان تدفع قيمة 300 ريال شهريا وكل شهر تقوم بالتجديد
او ينزل اسمك الى مكانه السابق
تمييز اسمك فوق الجميع يجعل اسمك ثابتا ويراه جميع الزوار
هذا الشرح لدعم موقع مشاوير