Source: Kidney Stones
Kidney Stones Treatment
I will show you my own experience with kidney stones treatment, where my friend from Jordan was suffering from this disease. Doctors decided to do nephrectomy surgery of right kidney and lithotripsy sessions. I recommended “Ammi” seeds (the Latin name : Visnaga daucoides Gaertn) for him, where a few of these seeds are put in a boiled water for five minutes, then strain, cool and drink it twice; a small cup in the morning on an empty stomach, another small cup in the evening before going to sleep. Furthermore, I recommended a diet for him, which is avoiding fats, red meats, citrus, and the whole dairy products. Moreover, not to sleep in front of the cold air conditioner, the diet should be vegetable and a few of fish. The treatment should be taking for two weeks. The taste of the drink is palatable and acceptable with a little of bitterness.
My friend felt a complete recovery and stopped taking medicine. The kidney has returned to normal and the stones shrank in his kidney where some of it get started to go out with urine normally. I am going to show you a video contains X-rays images, stones size in the left kidney, the tube that had been put by the doctor to make urinating easy, and Ammi seeds images. I speak Arabic in the video, sorry about that. Here is a link from Wikipedia about the plant and its benefits.
I will show you my own experience with kidney stones treatment, where my friend from Jordan was suffering from this disease. Doctors decided to do nephrectomy surgery of right kidney and lithotripsy sessions. I recommended “Ammi” seeds (the Latin name : Visnaga daucoides Gaertn) for him, where a few of these seeds are put in a boiled water for five minutes, then strain, cool and drink it twice; a small cup in the morning on an empty stomach, another small cup in the evening before going to sleep. Furthermore, I recommended a diet for him, which is avoiding fats, red meats, citrus, and the whole dairy products. Moreover, not to sleep in front of the cold air conditioner, the diet should be vegetable and a few of fish. The treatment should be taking for two weeks. The taste of the drink is palatable and acceptable with a little of bitterness.
My friend felt a complete recovery and stopped taking medicine. The kidney has returned to normal and the stones shrank in his kidney where some of it get started to go out with urine normally. I am going to show you a video contains X-rays images, stones size in the left kidney, the tube that had been put by the doctor to make urinating easy, and Ammi seeds images. I speak Arabic in the video, sorry about that. Here is a link from Wikipedia about the plant and its benefits.
- Khella — Wikipédia